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Is Spotify Hurting New Talent The Most?

I can still remember sitting at my ancient desktop computer in the early 2000s risking not only my computer's health but also getting into a huge fight with my parents once they realized I had given my computer yet another virus to download my favorite band’s album off of LimeWire. Now I, like everyone who used LimeWire or any other site to download free music, knew I should have been paying for the music, but I was a kid and who cared- it was free! After all, Nelly was rich enough, I shouldn't have to use my own money to listen to Hot In Herre on my Walkman CD player on my way to the bus stop. I, along with what seemed like everyone else in the world, was contributing to the decline in profits for those in the music industry. Now that LimeWire and sites alike are practically extinct, you would think that the music industry would be on the rise again, but you would be wrong. Today, you can get “free” music without crashing your computer or risking any trouble from illegally downloading music. Apps and websites, like Spotify, are completely legal and can be completely free for users. Spotify makes streaming easy, convenient, and affordable, whether you pay $10 a month for a membership or listen to an ad every other song. However, Spotify still makes money off of you whether you pay a membership fee or not due to those advertisements. You would think that money would go straight to the artists and Spotify would keep only a small percentage (after all it’s their music you’re listening to) but that's just not the case. Even with millions of people streaming music on Spotify each month, the artists are not being compensated nearly as much as they should be for their music. That being said, unless you’re a superstar, you’re making next to nothing compared to what you should be making from Spotify. So basically unless you’re a Drake or Nicki of the world, that check may never come, and if it does you’d be lucky if it was enough to afford you your morning coffee. So, what about new or local artists? Forget about it! Big musicians, while still being affected by Spotify negatively, are not hurting as bad as new talent. There isn’t even an option to search for new talent or artists in your area on Spotify. If you’re looking to discover some local gems you’re better off googling live music near me and hitting up a local bar or music venue. At least that way you know they’re making money from it whether the venue is paying them or you’re putting money directly in their tip jar. These new and local artists aren’t even getting a fair chance at streaming on apps like Spotify to make the small fraction of a penny per stream they are paying. These free music apps like Spotify may be convenient and cost effective for us to use, but if we don't support local and growing artists with our dollars they may not be able to continue creating music. With many excellent musicians today struggling to make it, you may not even get the chance to hear their music, especially if your music collection consists solely of the playlists you made on your Spotify account. Read Also: Top Ways That Tech Keeps Us Entertained 8 Problems Only Music Lovers Will Know

Classical Guitar

Classical Guitar Lessons for Beginners

Okay so you want to learn how to play the classical guitar but you have no idea where to begin. It really isn’t that hard to learn how to play as long as you have the necessary time to put into the craft and the patience to make it through the tough learning curve. In this classical guitar lesson, I will be going over something for you to get started such as your posture and the way you hold the guitar. If you didn’t know the classical guitar is the model every other acoustic guitar is based on. The main way you can tell the two guitars apart is that the classical normally has a wider fretboard and utilizes nylon instead of the steel strings you’ll see on acoustics. This type of guitar is designed to let the top of the musical instrument vibrate but keep the neck, back, or sides from vibrating. Try to avoid picking a classical guitar that has a laminated top since they won’t give you the quality sound you want. If you don’t mind spending a little extra money trying to get a classic guitar made out of rosewood or spruce. However, the guitars that have the plywood tops with a thin layer of cedar will do just fine. Keep in mind though that going for a guitar with better wood will help preserve your guitar for longer since they age better. The guitars made of cheaper wood will be good when you first get them and then the quality of the guitar and sound produced will decline over time. Meanwhile, the guitars made with better woods will actually keep getting better as time goes on. Your posture is very important when it comes to playing this hollow bodied instrument. Take a look at any professional classical guitar player and you’ll notice that they have an upright posture with their foot on a stool. With the right sitting position, you’ll be able to minimize the amount of effort you have to use and you’ll be more stable and comfortable. The proper sitting position involves keeping your back straight and resting the guitar on the thigh that is on the neck side. You will need the help of a footstool or a support placed on the thigh to raise the head of the guitar level. You will rest the elbow on the edge of the body of the guitar and place the hand that plays the strings over the sound hole. You will need to bring the hand up to the height of the shoulder and to do this you’ll need to bend the arm on the neck side. Position your thumb behind the neck, below the 2nd fret, and behind the 3rd string. The key to playing the guitar properly is to relax your entire upper body from the shoulders to your hands. Now get a chair so you can support your guitar and make it more stable. Try to use a chair that will make your thigh horizontal. If your thigh is not angled correctly your guitar will keep slipping and interrupt your playing. Once you get the grasp of holding the guitar in the proper position it’s time to start practicing pieces. You must make sure you avoid difficult pieces like Asturias or you might end up giving up on the guitar forever. Start with pieces like Fernando Carulli. You can head to your local music store and get a book to study him. Pieces like “Waltz in E Minor” and “Country Dance” should get you started and help you build technique and confidence. If you are using tabs I would suggest that you try using sheet music. Just do a simple search for it online for some sight reading books. One good book I know of is authored by Robert Benedict called “Sight Reading for the Classical Guitar levels 1 to 3″. Start off with the simple pieces and as your technique gets better you’ll begin to learn more complex pieces. Not only should you learn how to play music on your classical guitar but you should also get familiar with how to string it and tune it. Many classical guitar players attempt to grow their nails to pluck the strings, while others use the flesh of their fingertips. This decision is all yours and depends on what you’re comfortable with. Also, when you take classical guitar lessons for beginners it’ll be in your best interest to learn how to read conventional music notation. Try to learn more about half notes, whole notes, time signatures, scales, and accidental notes. Once you learn the proper sitting position and learn a few easy pieces you’ll be well on your way to becoming a pretty good classical guitar player. Read Also: Expert Advice On How To Learn All The Notes On The Guitar Demystified: The Interesting Connection Between Politics And Music


Want to Learn How to Learn How to Play an Instrument? Here’s What Every Beginner Should Know…v

There are certain things in life that everyone would like to do. Most people would place ‘learning to play an instrument’ at the top of this list. After all, it is an impressive skill that can easily be used to entertain and wow people. Well, the good news is that if you are considering picking up an instrument and learning how to play it, there are a number of advantages at your disposal. See, scientists have discovered that training to become a musician can actually improve your brain in terms of memory, planning capability, and information processing speed. This is true, even if you are an older adult! So, as you can see, you really shouldn’t wait any longer to pursue this passion. However, if you are a little confused as to how to get started with the learning process, don’t fret. Here, you will find all the information and details that you need to know. What Instrument Should You Play? Now, if you were to take a poll, you will quickly find out that everyone has their own idea of what the ‘best’ instrument is. This can make it a lot more confusing to figure out which you should actually take up. In this instance, it can actually be helpful to ignore the advice most people give. What you should do instead is to take up the instrument you are actually passionate about. This way, you are much more likely to stick with it and actually learn how to play it. So, if you have always wanted to play the drums, then this is exactly what you should do! If you don’t really have an instrument in mind, what should you do then? Well, even in this case, there is a good chance that you have one preference over others. So, start with that to determine if you will actually grow to like it. If you find that it isn't the instrument for you, then simply give something else a try. You will find that the process of trial and error, despite being lengthy, will often help you find the answer that you are looking for. How Should You Choose Your Instrument? Even after you have settled on a specific instrument, you may find it challenging to determine what brand or model you should start with. Here, it is best if you look online for some expert suggestions. This will allow you to get the perspective of experienced, talented musicians, increasing the likelihood that you get the right instrument for yourself. Another option would be to head down to your local music store. You are bound to find employees that are well-versed in advising novice musicians on what instrument to buy. This avenue will also provide you with the opportunity to try out some of the brands and models for yourself to see if there is one that clicks with you. Nonetheless, you may not actually want to buy an instrument from such a store. To help save money, you may want to check out prices online. You will probably be able to find what you are looking for at a lower price. Understanding Your Options for Learning: So after narrowing down your instrument options and purchasing one, the next thing on your list would be to learn how to play it. Once upon a time, your only real choice would have been to find a music teacher who operated in the same area as you did. While this is still one of the more popular options, there are also a number of other avenues. These days, you have the opportunity to decide how you want to learn to play an instrument. For instance, if you do want a teacher, there necessarily isn’t a need to have to go to a physical studio. Instead, there are now a number of tutors who operate over the internet, mostly over platforms such as Skype. Here, you will be taught how to play your instrument without ever having to leave the comfort of your home. If you feel like a tutor is a little bit too expensive, then you can go down the self-teaching route. If you prefer an old-fashioned method, you can always opt for music books – of which there are many. These days, however, free online tutorials are often a much better alternative. Here, experienced musicians will walk you through how to play various instruments. In many instances, they will even break down how to play some of your favorite songs. In the end, it is all about determining what option works for you best. Some people thrive under close and strict instruction while others need the freedom to learn at their own pace. Just try out both options and figure out which one affords you more progress. Set a Goal for Yourself: Before you actually start playing the instrument, it can be useful to set a goal for yourself. What this is, is entirely up to you. For some people, their main goal is to learn how to play their favorite music. Others, want to master every aspect of a particular instrument. Once you have narrowed down your long-term goal, you should try to break it down into smaller objectives. This can help you to track your own progress and can even act as motivation for you to keep going. So, try to set an aim for yourself every week if you can so that you can stay consistent in terms of practice and effort. Prepare for Disappointment: Everyone has an idea of what a particular instrument should sound like. For instance, in your mind, you will be able to imagine the tinkling of ivories or the light tapping of a drum set. Well, the truth is, in the beginning, you probably won’t sound anything like what you imagined. In fact, you may end up creating truly horrific noises when you first get started playing. Now, it can be easy to feel discouraged at this point and want to give up immediately. However, you should keep in mind that even the greatest musicians sounded awful in their early years. The other thing that you shouldn’t worry about is the fact that you may not make progress as quickly as you would like. It is vital to remember that it isn’t easy to learn how to play an instrument. Your mind and body have to be able to grasp a number of different techniques and then figure out how to coordinate with each other. Due to this, there is a good chance that it may take you a bit longer than you first anticipated to master an instrument. Well, there is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of – it is completely natural. The only thing you should focus on is succeeding at your current task, regardless of how long it takes. Remember That Practice Makes Perfect: When you watch other people play an instrument, they can often make it look so effortless. This is why a lot of people forget that it actually takes quite a bit of practice to become so good. Most professional musicians practice around six to eight hours each day. Of course, you probably don’t have so much time to spend on your hobby but you don’t need to practice this much either. The key here is to set a realistic practice schedule for yourself so that you are actually able to stick with it. Depending on how much free time you have, try to spend at least 30 minutes to half an hour each day, mastering your musical instrument. If you don’t have a lot of spare time, try breaking your practice up into smaller time slots. Try to practice for 30 minutes in the morning and then spend another half-hour in the evening perfecting your skills. Don’t Forget to Have Fun: When you are focused on becoming better, it is easy to be overtaken by the technical aspects of the process. As a result, you might forget to actually enjoy yourself and this can be a real shame. It is important to keep in mind that you are learning to play an instrument for yourself. So, you really should be enjoying this time. If you find yourself getting frustrated, try to switch tactics for a short while. Take a break and try to learn a short, crazy tune just so that you can help yourself ease up a bit. After all, there isn’t too much sense in continuing if you aren’t having fun. Join Other Beginners: If you are used to playing by yourself, it can be easy to lose your passion for the project. This is why you may want to try joining up with other musicians every now and then. Since this can be a rather daunting thing to do, it may be best to meet up with others who are at a similar learning stage. This way, no one has to feel embarrassed or self-conscious. Instead, everyone can just focus on having a good time and putting together a fun jam session. So, this is all you need to know about learning to play an instrument. While it can be a bit tough in the beginning, you should keep in mind that it does get better – and so will you so. Trust in yourself and never give up! 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music lovers

8 Problems Only Music Lovers Will Know

When you are a music lover, you understand what the world is missing if they have not heard that one masterpiece or they do not understand the importance of one song. There are three types of people. People who do not know what music is, and probably do not care. Some people like music but are not as passionate. And then there is the third kind where people cannot live without music in their lives. The people in this third group go through problems that only the people from the third category will understand. If you are looking for any bands to book, check out If you are someone who likes music but wants to pursue it seriously, you need to learn the music theory. This will help you grasp the finer points and nuances of what goes into making great music. This will also help you get into the minds and hearts of your favorite musicians and understand why they created a particular kind of music. Music is a deep emotional state of mind that can help understand a lot of things. Among the many struggles that a music lover has to go through, here are eight problems only music lovers can understand. Here are 8 Problems Only Music Lovers Will Know: 1. Waiting for an Album to release: You cannot wait for that one album to drop already. While other people are living their lives normally, you are counting days and weeks to the date when your favorite artist releases that album. 2. Not Enough Time: There are so many songs you want to listen to. There are the old songs, the new versions, and the remixes. You want to listen to them all and your jams as well. But there is not enough time to cover them all. 3. Tangled Earphones: The tangling of the earphones is a mystery that will never get solved. One minute you are carefully putting your earphones in your pocket, the next minute they are a jumbled-up mess of wires. 4. Having to Listen to Horrible Music: It just kills you when you are stuck in someone's car and cannot listen to the song they are playing. Your taste does not match with many people but being forced to listen to some average song is unfair when you know how many great songs are out there. 5. Cannot Find a Song: This problem is any person's nightmare, as no matter how much you try, you cannot remember that one song or its lyrics. At that moment, you cannot think of anything else other than that song, but you are unable to find it either. 6. When Someone Doesn’t like Your Choice: You get passionate about every song but there is this one song that you love the most, and you make your friends listen to it too. However, if your friends do not like it, your heart shatters into a million pieces. 7. Not Enough Money: There are so many of your favorite artists that are having concerts, but you cannot go to all of them because you do not always have enough money, which is a bummer. 8. You Cannot Get the Lyrics out of Your Head: Listening to the song on repeat is easy, but after a time it becomes a challenge to not think about the lyrics anymore. You will be doing an important task or your work from school and all your mind can think about is the song you listened to in the morning. Being a music lover is not easy when other people do not understand how much love you have for music. Read Also: Demystified: The Interesting Connection Between Politics And Music The Right Light Set-Up For Your Band Expert Advice On How To Learn All The Notes On The Guitar

Guitar learning

Expert Advice on How to Learn All the Notes on the Guitar

You want to be rock stardom or a laid back passionate guitarist? Taking a deep breath not to just hear the music but listen keenly and deeply is art learned over time. It takes time to perfect how to tune a guitar. Whether you own an acoustic or electric guitar, if you want to play a classical etude or just anything about the notes in mind, getting all the notes right while on your frets can be a passionate experience to compliment the mantra. The last thing you need is an out-of-tune guitar that sends your practice session into a mess or ruins your much-anticipated gig. Therefore, besides many apps available today to see you through the bustle you need to take time to understand the basics from finger positioning, strumming, and using the frets to adjusting the pitch of a note or altering the note of a string to a completely whole new sound. Additionally, surrounding humidity, temperature fluctuations, your expertise and so many other factors do affect the notes you are going for at any given time. How to learn all the notes on the guitar The process of getting the notes right should be fun and rewarding in the aftermath. Pay attention to these steps to go about your notes without any much strain. Step 1: Basics when getting your guitar Firstly, you just need to learn how to hold your guitar right. Before opting to buy one, consider hiring or borrowing one for the sake of learning. You can equally seek expert advice to understand the notes quickly. I started with a hired acoustic guitar before advancing to my own electric guitar. I ultimately ended up liking electric guitars because they produce a wide range of sounds and tones. Remember, a cool guitar isn't necessarily a great one for your notes. Test out your guitar on how it responds to your hands before buying it. Step 2: How to pick up into learning all the notes The notes on your guitar are produced by the strings of your guitar. Simply, start by learning notes one string at a time instead of all them on the fretboard at once. Most experts equally advocate the use of mnemonic devices for quick memorizing of all the guitar notes. I suggest at this point you place your guitar right in front of you do this. I have always noticed playing every specific note while rehearsing it out loud helps a great deal. Start with open notes (the act of strumming a string without necessarily fretting). Understand the natural notes first before proceeding to the sharps and flats on your fret. You can equally memorize the notes by going through them both forwards and backward for easy identification of the note you need quickly. Learn the names of the notes vertically, fret at a time. Visualize the notes on the string on your head with regular practice to help you understand all the notes. Additionally, remember guitar strings are tuned in intervals of quarters, by beginning with the lowest pitched string. Get to know the basic picking and fingering techniques. For normal tuning, the strings that usually are close from you will be represented by E, A, D, F, G, B and E notes. You can feel other notes while pressing the strings downwards before the metal fret as you pluck the string or those close to your guitar neck, the body of the guitar or high notes by trying those strings that are close to your guitar head. Step 3: Tips to getting to know specific notes Usually, the E string, located at the top of your guitar is the heaviest and deepest. Remember, when going about your desired notes, strings get thinner increasingly as their notes increase higher in pitch. You can easily achieve your notes of interest by utilizing the A, D, G, B, and E notes correspondingly. I need of a two octave up note away from the E note, use the thinnest string, usually positioned on a standard guitar at the bottom. Check out the diverse fret marks on your guitar, one and a half step representation on the guitar musical scale. Place your hand on a fret close to the guitar bridge if you want to play a high notched pitch. Normally, you can also use the low E to bring out an F sharp note. By holding down the first fret while keen on the low E string, you can be able to produce an F, holding down the second fret will enable you to produce an F#. A third fret will produce a G while the fourth a G#. While on the low E string, utilize the seventh fret to realize a B note. Lastly, if you want a C note, use the eight fret. The same can be practiced or applied on all the remaining specific five strings as you advance and adjust into the notes that suit your taste, style of play and preferences. Whether you are a novice or a beginner, understanding all the notes and how they coordinate together. This will help you also be a step ahead in creating chord progressions and finally achieve the right sound for your song. To become a great guitarist, once you have perfected the art of playing along with fingering within an octave, try always doing the same reverse. You can start with the first note on the first string and work down in pitch in the same interval of fingering too. Don't forget to listen to your sound for the right progress. Practice patiently while utilizing your fretboard chart for an overtime mastery of every note. An expert advice is to look regularly at your notes while playing. You can use a tuner to help you measure the toe of all the notes. This will also assist you to get to know how exactly each note sounds when tuned as preferred with time and how the notes connect to the specific strings when strummed. Whichever way you like it, this leads to a thrilling experience even with different types of guitars. This is how playing all the notes can help you become an informed guitarist passionate to the songs that are infectious to the souls. Read More : 10 Tips For Writing A Dissertation Virtual Reality And Gaming Technology Innovation In 2017 5 Things You Can Do With A Sports Management Degree Ten Interview Tips That Might Surprise You: The Medical Edition The Importance Of Exploring And Knowing The Language Hindi

guitar play

Basic Steps For A Jazz Guitarist Beginner

Jazz is one of the oldest forms of music which had lost its popularity due to the other latest and modern forms of music like rock music. But, in recent times, jazz music has regained its popularity and has brought a twist in the music world. Today, the guitarists are learning jazz music because of the latest trend of this genre. Carlos Santana, today, has helped build and maintain the popularity of Jazz today. Jazz, with all its quirks, has surprisingly influenced other genres like rock and metal. It is an interesting field - as you will find out on MusicCritic - though it is not for everyone's taste. However, it is free for anyone to explore. Learning jazz is not an easy task for beginners. But, it is also not impossible to learn the genre. The guitarists need to pay a little more attention to the learning, compared to learning other forms of music. Moreover, the jazz musicians say that learning jazz can be fun and relatively easy in the initial stage, and enjoyable eventually. To learn to play jazz music on a guitar is easy once you understand the basics of music theory and the specific techniques used in it. The Basics Of Music Theory For Jazz A lot of jazz guitar is based on your improvisational ability, and therefore, you need to have a strong command of music theory. You should be knowing each of the scales, modes, chords, and arpeggios to implement them in playing. Moreover, when you know these basics of jazz music, you will be able to make different patterns with them and create different notes. Moreover, jazz songs are basically made up of rhythm, chord progressions, and licks. As a guitarist, you need to learn them and then make various combinations to make songs. The main reason for jazz guitar to make it unique is the type of chord progressions used and also the type of chords specifically used in jazz music. However, a majority of the chords used in jazz music are the modified versions of standard major and minor chords. How To Learn a New Chord? For learning a new chord you need to follow these points: You need to ensure that each note of the chord is clean and clear. Do not rush. Take it slow and get comfortable with the chord. Practice the chord by moving it up and down on the fretboard. Swapping between the chords will give you good practice. Build up the speed during the process eventually. By following the steps mentioned, you can put it all together. Points To Be Considered While Learning Solo When you are learning solo, it is better to practice with a metronome on all the four beats and also on 2 and 4. For this purpose, you can download a metronome app and there are lots of them available online. It is better if you practice your solo with a backing track so that you can know how it sounds in a musical environment. You can also write down the notes while playing and practicing it so, you can refer them when you play the next time. Also, write down the rhythms of the chords, so that you can know what is happening over each chord. It is very important to analyze each line harmonically and rhythmically and then make exercises out them for the purpose of practice. Learning 32 bars may seem difficult at first sight. But, if you set small and realistic goals, it is not much difficult to do so. You can transcribe one section in a week, which is 2 bars in a day. Likewise, you can learn the entire chorus in a month and if you learn 4 bars a day, then you can learn it in just 2 weeks. However, it is crucial that after learning the chords, you need to practice them with variations to make new notes, which will make your music stronger. Moreover, it is also important for a jazz guitarist to carry out improvisation, which you can do when you have learned at least 8 bars of the solo. How To Learn Improvisation? Learn The Vocabulary Try to learn the melodic and harmonic patterns and ideas from other musicians and guitarist, whom you like. Moreover, you can also for different and useful ideas in this relevance to your music teacher, which can be the best way to learn the vocabulary. When you are a beginner, taking assistance from your teacher is the best option to learn. Use the Vocabulary It is important that you stick to one idea or lick at a time while practicing. Combine The Licks, Patterns Or Ideas You Learned When you have learned different licks or patterns, you can make different variations and use them to make solos. At this point in time, your solos will sound more original. Using the above steps and tips, you can do improvisation in your music and create different notes and solos. Learning jazz music is not that difficult if you learn it systematically and don’t rush into learning it fast. It just needs practice and more importantly, the improvisation ability. Read  More : How To Choose The Best Soundbars System For Your Home Demystified: The Interesting Connection Between Politics And Music   Reference Links:


Demystified: The interesting connection between politics and music

Decades ago, opinions were formed and voiced. The difference between then and now is plain for anyone to see. Social media, the 24-7 news cycle, and the internet (of course) has revolutionized the world we live in. Equally as impressive is how segments of the music industry have utilized these mediums to forwardly advance the issues that tug at their hearts. With the open forum of the internet, and the unfiltered jabs at the opposing viewpoints, comes conflict. We should be thankful, as a society, for the open debate. The intriguing dynamic that has unfolded in the music industry is how each side, dependent upon their respective role, has handled the “opposition”. We will look at examples including artists, record labels, and the conflict that can arise between music venues and artists. A Voice Musicians for decades have used their public forum as activists. Certain artists have demonstrated a commitment to causes that have raised awareness globally. Their selfless efforts to put out what they view as wrongs in the community, country or world in this new age of technology has brought millions of people to a crossroads. Bono, the lead man of U2, has been heralded as an ambassador for pushing his audience to give thought to causes that do not directly affect them. His efforts have brought attention, and subsequent positive actions, to issues ranging from repressive government policies in South Africa to Aids. Record Labels Take a Stand The humility found in Firebrand Records statement “We know that music alone does not change the world, but we recognize that it is an integral part of the movements that do” speaks to the core of this record labels mission. Leaving behind any fear of succumbing to the beliefs of others in an attempt to pad the bank account, Ryan Harvey and Tom Morello are focused on the voice that goes with a protest against corruption, injustice, and militarism. Are they setting out to take on the giants in the music industry? No. Instead, Ryan and Tom have found a void in the politically correct mass and are doing their small part to fill the need. Hungry listeners crave a voice with a message of depth and weight that sings to their soul. The Venues Have a Voice Too We all know of at least one bar or nightclub that caters to a unique class of customers. What makes these customers, and venues, unique? They are not the typical mainstream. The “outliers” of society who dress and speak as they see fit. Calling out the improper use of power and influence in a corrupt world. Joined together under one roof for a common cause, all the while letting the music and lyrics move them. The independent band Downtown Boys is openly critical of what they perceive as white supremacy, and they intend to use their music as a method to dissolve just that. A venue called The Smell welcomed them with open arms to carry their message in lyrics, as evidenced in Rob Shepyer’s piece which is best summarized as Downtown Boys: Coachella to The Smell. It an equally impressive protest, the Downtown Boys wrote an open letter to voice their displeasure with the owner of a festival called Coachella, a festival they have performed at. The root of their protest is with Philip Anschutz, who founded and now oversees AEG (they operate the festival). Phillip has been an open supporter of anti-LGBT groups. Each of us should be thankful for the courageous voice of those willing to set aside their self-centeredness just enough to take the heat for taking a stand, regardless if you agree or disagree. Read more: How To Choose The Best Soundbars System For Your Home

Sound Bar

How to Choose the Best Soundbars System for Your Home

So, you have bought a brand-new TV but it's sound system doesn’t please you at all. Well, there is so much that TV manufacturers can do but when it comes to quality sound, slim TVs usually have a problem projecting the best sound possible. This is because they have very little room for a powerful and quality sound system. Most of these TVs are ideal for watching your favorite TV shows but they are not great for watching movies or even some of your favorite TV dramas. The good news is there is a solution to make your TV’s audio just as clear as its pictures. Soundbars are enclosed speakers that are designed to sit in front of or underneath your TV. If you have mounted your TV on the wall, you can also mount your soundbar right beneath it because they also have their own mounting kits. Choosing the best sound system for your home can be a daunting task, but don’t worry, you will get all the tips and the help that you need here. How Big Is It? Soundbars come in all shapes and sizes. If you are planning to place it directly beneath your TV, then it is important that you get a soundbar that is going to fit the size of your TV. In addition, make sure that you have enough space for your soundbar. This is very vital especially if your TV is in an enclosure. Another important thing to note is that there are soundbars that are made by the same company that built your TV. For example, Samsung has its own soundbars that match well with their curved TVs. One thing though, TV manufacturers don’t always build the best audio products. Connectivity Are you planning to plug your new soundbar system into an HDMI port on your TV? If yes, then you need to look for a soundbar that offers that option. It is important to shop for a soundbar that has the connections that you need for proper installation. The best type of soundbar is the one that has a variety of inputs for connecting various video and audio sources. It is also important to ensure that the outputs on your soundbar match those of your TV. In this regard, it will be better if you look for a soundbar that supports HDMI, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Digital Audio Inputs and Streaming services. Subwoofer A subwoofer can simply be described as a speaker that is designed to reproduce only the lowest bass frequencies. The thing about soundbars is that most of them are too slim to reproduce lower sound frequency, so you will need a separate subwoofer if you want to have the best sound possible. If you love video games, action movies, or TV programs that require low bass frequency, a soundbar that comes with a separate subwoofer is most likely the best system for you. Another important feature of these subwoofers is that most of them are wireless. This means that you just need to plug them on a power source and you are good to go. Surround Sound It is true that soundbars are better than portable speakers, but when shopping for one it is always in your best interest to consider the effects of surround sound. You can still get a better quality sound from a soundbar system even if you don’t have enough space for a multi-speaker sound system. In this case, you will have to choose a multi-channel sound bar system. This type of soundbars usually has five or seven audio channels, with distinct sounds assigned to each and every one of them. They are highly recommended if you want to create a three-dimensional surround sound effect. Some sound speakers can easily fool your brain into hearing things that are not there. The most recommended way to choose the best soundbars for your home is to consider all your options. Know what your placement options are, the amount of space that you have, the size of the soundbar that you are looking for, the effect or surround sound, and whether or not you will need a separate subwoofer. It’s obvious that a good soundbar is better than the portable speaker and a perfect way to boost the sound system of your TV. Read more : Demystified: The interesting connection between politics and music